Bo Wang

NUS, School of Computing.




I am a Ph.D. student at School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS). I am working with Prateek Saxena as my advisor.

I am most interested in Automated Program Translation for code migration. I work on the translation of Python to JavaScript (FSE 23, OOPSLA 23) and C to Rust (NDSS 2025). I am also interested in Program Synthesis in general (FSE 21) and understanding the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models. See more about our projects.

Before this, I received my B.Eng. degree in Computer Science and Technology at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), where I was fortunate to work with Yu Zhang.

My favorite languages are Rust and Python. I am also fluent in JavaScript and C#.

For fun: some tiny web-based tools I wrote are here.

selected publications

  1. NDSS ’25
    Translating C To Rust: Lessons from a User Study
    Ruishi Li*Bo Wang*, Tianyu Li, Prateek Saxena, and Ashish Kundu
    NDSS 2025, 2025
  2. FSE ’23
    TransMap: Pinpointing Mistakes in Neural Code Translation
    Bo Wang, Ruishi Li, Mingkai Li, and Prateek Saxena
    In FSE 2023, , San Francisco, CA, USA, , 2023
  3. OOPSLA ’23
    User-Customizable Transpilation of Scripting Languages
    Bo Wang, Aashish Kolluri, Ivica Nikolić, Teodora Baluta, and Prateek Saxena
    Proc. ACM Program. Lang. (OOPSLA 2023), Apr 2023
  4. FSE ’21
    SynGuar: guaranteeing generalization in programming by example
    Bo Wang, Teodora Baluta, Aashish Kolluri, and Prateek Saxena
    In FSE 2021, Athens, Greece, Apr 2021